Saturday, 26 March 2011

Twatting the twats

Twatting the twats: why so-called "domestic violence" is actually nothing more than much needed domestic discipline and every man is fully entitled to beat the shit out of any worthless fucking cunt he likes just because he feels like it!

So let's look at what's so GOOD about "domestic violence."

1  It's male empowerment

2  It's fun - especially for the man! 

3  It helps the man get out his frustration in a useful way.

4  It helps the cunt to reflect upon its own lowly place in the world compared to his.

5  It reminds the cunt of ONE of the reasons he is superior - because he can beat the shit out of it any time he feels like it

6    It puts the cunt in its proper place

7   It helps him work off surplus energy and keeps him fit

8  It's a great reminder to the cunt NOT to forget his dinner or try to back chat him or do anything else that us stupid twats do all the time

9  It helps to cement the natural order of things where the man rules and the woman serves

10 It's just punishment if the cunt has displeased him in any way

Friday, 25 March 2011

Rape is ALWAYS the woman's fault!

I found this post on the internet and thought it was brilliant. 

      LOGIC: Rape is ALWAYS the woman's fault!!

          I dropped this knowledge on the old IC but yall wasn't hearin me. So I'll say it once again. When a man rapes a woman, she is the one at fault. If you disagree then refute my point with logic. Not freepostin. I'll be pleasantly surprised if you can.

          Here is my argument. Sex is sex. A penis penetrating a vagina. Consensual hetero sex is the ideal situation. But sometimes something goes wrong and this same act becomes rape. Let's analyze what exactly goes wrong.

          The male is doing the exact same thing in either case. He wants to have sex with the woman and inserts his manhood accordingly. The only thing which is altered is the woman's attitude. At the point where she objects to the sex it becomes rape. It is her actions which draw the line between consensual sex and rape. Logically, shouldn't she be the one who is prosecuted?  She directly caused a beautiful act to become something considered to be criminal.

          And don't dare say its the same as a man raping a man because homosexual sex is not the same. Its not like the victim of male on male rape was goin around fuckin hella men then one particular time decided he wasn't cool with it, as is the case with women.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Domestic murder is only a disagreement

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tories: Domestic murder is "disagreement"
Domestic murder should be treated differently from "stranger murder", former cabinet minister John Redwood has said.

"None of us want women to be killed," he wrote online, "but there is a difference between a man harming another man's wife, and harming his own."

"If we are not careful we will end up in a world where men are afraid to beat their own partners, for fear they might end up charged with assault. Women will be running amuck, hanging out on the streets at all hours and challenging their husband's authority at the drop of a hat."

Redwood said there should be a graduated scale so men were aware of their entitlements. Men would be entitled to verbally abuse a woman they had not met, pinch the bottom of someone they had just been introduced to, rape someone they had spent an evening with, slap their girlfriend around and kill their marriage partner.

David Cameron has not yet commented on the remarks. An anonymous aide told the Provisional BBC - "He's hoping it will all just go away."

But Redwood confirmed agreement on his behalf: "I've not said anything David would disagree with. It's not possible; he agrees with everyone."
Posted by The Provisional BBC at 10:23 AM 6 comments  

More reasons to legalise rape!

More reasons to legalise rape.

1) It's fun - especially for the rapist!

2) It's the rapist's right to do what he likes with his own body!

3) It's the rapist's right to choose!

4) If the girl says no she's being disrespectful and he's got every right to show her that her own selfish and childish wishes don't matter.

5) It's the only REAL sex - everything else is just vanilla!

6) A girl who gets raped is either a worthless whore who's fucking ASKING for it or else a disrespectful feminist dyke who DESERVES to be raped to show her what she's missing!

7)  A girl who gets raped is MORE likely to get pregnant so it assists the population growth if a rapist does what comes naturally.

8) Making rape a crime hasn't stopped rape. It's just made it more dangerous. The guy could get hurt with scratches, punches, kicks, or even hit with objects found nearby. If rape was legalised it would be safe and properly managed. Thee would be special "rape hotels" where needy guys could go and rape the girls with clean facilities and with doctors and nurses on hands to make sure that the girl isn't carrying any sexually transmitted diseases and to look after the medical welfare of the rapist. The government could even make some money out of it by taking a percentage from the rape hotels so that rape would be contributing to the nation's economy!

I can think of loads more reasons why rape is good and should be legalised but that's a start!

Legalise rape!

If only it was true! In my alternative universe, it IS true!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Senior police chief: “Legalise rape”

A senior British police chief has called on the government to rethink its policy on rape, in an interview with the Sunday Times.

“Rape criminalises thousands of British men each year,” warned Chief Constable Terry Graham. “Our jails are filling up with men who would otherwise be considered normal, law-abiding citizens. Unless we act now, there could be no room left for really dangerous criminals.”

Graham called for the government to release all rapists in custody, except foreign and homosexual rapists – whose crimes may affect men. He also wants the law to be changed so men could only be considered rapists if they fit a narrow pre-conceived stereotype which protects society’s belief only “evil” men can be rapists.

Home Secretary John Reid said he was on television so often he didn’t have time to do his job properly, and he wouldn’t mind but other ministers were getting jealous, so he wouldn’t respond on this one. That, and this was a rare issue where the reactionary side was unpopular, so he didn’t know what to think.

Charities and women’s organisations criticised Graham’s remarks, but the Sunday Times dismissed them as “hysterical lesbians”, saying “We recognise there will be those who disagree, but they are wrong. It is time for a national debate, which we will win.”

Other suggestions for relieving overcrowding have included more frequent use of community punishments, building more prisons and letting David Blunkett loose with an Uzi.
Posted by The Provisional BBC at 10:47 AM   :

Born with a cunt - and what it means!

i am a female and i was born with a cunt.

Because i HAVE a cunt i AM inferior.

Because i HAVE a cunt i AM a cunt.

i'm going to post my first article now from a great message i found on another site.