OK, I've put forward already some of the reasons why there's nothing wrong with raping us girls. I reckon all men convicted of rape should be released from prison immediately and given full compensation for wrongful imprisonment. I've got some other ideas on how to help them get over the trauma of their time in prison but I'll save them for another post!
I'm now going to explain why it's positively right to rape us. Far from being a crime, rape is actually a public service and a gift to us girls for which we ought to be grateful.
In the first place, it's equal opportunity sex. Any man can do it to a girl. He doesn't have to be rich, good-looking, clever or charming or anything like that. All he needs is to have a cock and he can rape me or any other girl just as good as any rich Hollywood star or wealthy businessman can!
Just think of the advantages. Rape means never having to buy me dinner. Rape means never wondering how much it costs to fuck me. Rape means never having to take me out or buy me prezzies. Rape means never having to worry if his car is flash enough or eough of a top of the range model. Rape means never having to worry if he's got a well-paid job or not! Rape means never having to buy me flowers or pay me compliments!
All a rapist needs is a cock and he can fuck me, or any other girl he wants.
That's pretty much an equal-opportunity approach to sex, right?
Secondly, it's obviously my fault that I got raped, isn't it? After all, if I'd said "yes," or, even better, "yes please, sir," he'd never have had to go to all the trouble of raping me, would he? So, like I said, it's all my fault that I got raped. He didn't do anything wrong and I'm the only one that did.
Like I said, it's my fault I got raped in the first place and I should never have said no instead of yes!
Because I did say no like an ungrateful and disrespectful fucking bitch of a twat, he had every right to rape me.
As well as giving him pleasure, he also had the right to rape me just because I was enough of an arrogant cunt to say no to him in the first place, right?
So he had the right to rape me as a just punishment for being arrogant and ungrateful enough to say no to him in the first place, see?
So actually I deserved to be raped for saying no!
Now let's explain why rape is a gift to us girls and why we should welcome it if we're lucky enough to get raped.
Rape is the only real sex; everything else is playacting. There's nothing like the adrenalin rush a girl gets when she's being raped. It's amazing how nearly always she'll have an orgasm just because she was raped rather than having vanilla sex.
So, you see, the rapist is actually doing the girl a big favour by raping her, right? He's giving her an orgasm which she's hardly ever going to get with vanilla sex, not just through fucking, anyway; only if the bloke knows how to get a girl's clit aroused properly which a lot of them haven't got a fucking clue about!
Another big favour he's doing her is he's giving her guilt-free sex. The girl was probably a totally depraved fucking slut anyway or at least secretly wanted to be. Thanks to the bloke who raped her she can get fucked as hard as a professional whore or the village bike that everyone's rode and yet not have to take the blame for being a total fucking slut so she doesn't have to feel ashamed or guilty about getting fucked! Once again, the rapist has done the girl a big favour by raping her!
She ought to be very grateful to him! It's a win-win situation; he gets to fuck her, she gets fucked without having to feel guilty about what she's done. Everyone ought to be happy about what's gone down!
Another reason why she ought to be grateful to him is that rape, as some statistics that have been posted on Mansland from scientific geezers who've done research on this subject have shown, is more likely to make a girl pregnant than if she's just fucked the vanilla way. So as well as all the other favours he's doing her, he's giving her an extra chance of having a baby by him!
Another reason why rape is so good is that it's the most honest way to have sex. Hey, guys, you don't have to tell me you love me; you don't have to listen to my boring twat talk conversation; you don't even have to say you think I'm beautiful (though it would be nice if you did but that's just me being selfish and vain!)
All you have to do is come up to me and say something like, "hey, cunt, I want to fuck you."
If I say yes then obviously I wanted it anyway so it couldn't have been rape in the first place, could it?
If I say no then obviously it's my fault if I get raped because then you've got a perfectly legitimate reason to rape me and, more than that, you've actually got a positive right to rape me for saying no.
See how it goes? If I say yes it isn't rape; if I say no it's only rape because of what I did wrong, so it's all my fault, right? The guy who raped me has done nothing wrong at all. In fact, he's been positively good in the way he's treated me! I'm the only one who's gone and done anything wrong!
Now let's look at some more benefits to the girl who gets raped. Apart from the higher chance of getting an orgasm and of getting pregnant as a result of rape, she's also going to get the adrenaline rush that comes when you get the shit scared out of you. God, how fucking sexy it is being scared! It's dead exciting for her to feel that kind of fear and it's very good of the bloke to give her the chance to experience such a lovely feeling. It'll almost certainly be the best sex she's ever had; much better than a boring old vanilla fuck!
The more she fights her true inner desire to submit, and the more she resists her longing to be taken by force regardless of her own selfish desires, the stronger her sexual arousal will become. Yes, folks, our friend the rapist is doing her a favour yet again; he's turning her on!
Maybe that's why (as exhaustive psychological and physical studies of so-called "rape victims" have shown; even the lying feminist twats (or, as I prefer to call them, "cuntists" - I hate the fucking feminists with their bullshir, or as I call it when they come out with it, "cowshit") haven't been able to explain away or refute the data that shows, maybe surprisingly to a vanilla mind, that the more violence a man uses against a girl when he's raping her, the less "trauma" she suffers.
To put it in plain English, the girl will actually benefit more from being raped with a certain amount of violence and intimidation than she would from being treated more "gently."
So, all you rapists out there, if you want to beat us up while you're raping us, don't worry about it. You're not only not doing anything wrong; you're actually doing us a favour by beating the shit out of us when you rape us. You're making it more pleasurable for us if you rape us like that so, hey guys, don't even think about holding back when you rape us.
Just slap us about and punch us and kick us; we fucking love it! Just insult us verbally, telling us we're all bitches and whores and sluts and cunts; just remind us that we're not only fucking asking to be raped but that we really fucking love it and we're just lying twats and hypocritical cunts for pretending that we don't when we really do; and when you've finished having your fun don't forget to remind us that it was all our fault that we got raped.
As for the girl, what should she do? There's only one obvious or at least honest answer she can give.
She should say "thank you for raping me. I will be grateful to you for this precious gift for the rest of my life."