Thursday, 31 October 2013

The nature and purpose of a cunt

The nature and purpose of a cunt

The word cunt has several different meanings in the philosophy of Male Truth

Its first and most obvious meaning is the female genitals. A girl's twat or what feminists call her vagina or pussy.

Its second most common meaning is to refer to an unpleasant person - 'you cunt!' - or a stupid one - 'you stupid cunt!' The way in which both stupidity and nastiness are intimately associated with the female genitals is no accident.

As Francis Grose put it in his 'Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue' a cunt is 'a nasty name for a nasty thing.'

So a cunt is not only the gaping hole between a girl''s legs but also the source of her stupidity, bad attitudes and bad behaviour.

That's why masculist philosophers and psychologists recognise cuntishness as being not only a general female disposition to be stupid, think wrongly and behave badly but as being a specific form of mental illness and one that is almost always associated with psychopathic attitudes and behaviour.

So what exactly IS cuntishness? It's two things really, separate but one deriving from the other.

The first and most primitive meaning of cuntishness is that it consists in simply being born with a cunt.

As the founder of Male Truth His Majesty Femboss put it in his famous 'cuntito' principle: 'because a female HAS a cunt she IS a cunt.'

So simply BECAUSE we're born female we're all born with a cunt and therefore we ARE all cunts.

The second and more complex definition of cuntishness is that HAVING a cunt leads to girls adopting certain types of attitude and behaviour that are inherently anti-social.

The natural and inherent cuntishness of us girls has of course been made much worse by the terrible effects of two hundred years of feminist propaganda, miseducation and anti-male laws brought in under its influence. Because feminism not only elevates females to a special and privileged place in society simply BECAUSE they have a cunt but also positively ENCOURAGES girls to adopt cuntish attitudes and to behave in a cuntish way, Femboss (one of His many reforms in language and thinking) rechristened feminism as 'cuntism.'

Cuntism stands for a culture of entitlement and special treatment based on nothing more than the fact that females HAVE a cunt. It's against nature and it promotes conflict betweenthe genders when what we need is harmony and balance.

So let's go back to basics. What exactly IS the purpose of a cunt?

One obvious purpose is for us girls to piss out of it. In that sense a cunt is functioal so does have a practical application.

What are the other functions of a cunt? Unlike other female animals cunts don''t come into heat but can be fucked both at any time of year and without pregnancy being the only goal of the male.

Basically us girls have cunts so we can be fucked whenever men want to fuck us. As with our tits we have a cunt NOT for our own pleasure but for the pleasure of men

Another purpose of a cunt is to carry men's life-giving spunk inside us and fertilise our eggs. Once again we are passive vessels receiving men's gift of life and so once more our cunt is there to serve MEN and NOT ourselves.

In every aspect of life nature shows that the whole purpose of us HAVING a cunt is to serve MEN and for our cunt to be used by them.

So, as with our tits, our cunt is a part of our body that is primarily designed to give pleasure to men.

Trying to elevate something that is meant to be USED by men and to SERVE them into something that somehow mysteriously gives cunts mystical 'rights' and 'entitlements' is a total perversion of nature.

Our cunts were meant to be used by men and to give them pleasure and NOT the other way around!

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Why do girls have tits?

Why do us girls have tits? Of course people (especially feminists) say it's because they produce milk to nourish our kids but then why are female tits so much bigger than they are in any other species?

It's our tits, like our cunt, that define us as female, feminine. They're not just a functional part of us to suckle our kids but a deliberately exaggeratedly erogenous part of our bodies.

To put it more bluntly we have tits BECAUSE men find them sexy and if they like our tits they're more likely to fuck us.

And in general (within reason) men prefer us to have BIG tits rather than small ones.

That's not saying they want us to be fat slags - only a minority of men like us like that - but they certainly don't find the stick insect type of girl attractive on the whole.

Now let's look at how a girl's tits impact upon her. They are a large area of fat and weight on our body that we have to carry around constantly.

And of course the bigger her tits are the heavier they are and the more uncomfortable they are for a girl to have to carry around all the time.

But that fact alone should tell us something crucial and important about our body.

We don't have tits for purely functional reasons; still less do we have them for our own pleasure.

If anything our tits are a burden on us.

So why do we have them? And why should we want bigger tits? (I wish mine were bigger but at least after three children I've managed to become a 36C size.)

The answer of course is blindly obvious particularly when you look at them in the light of the philosophy of Male Truth.

Our tits are NOT for our pleasure - they're for MEN'S pleasure. It's our job to carry our tits around,  to have Men commenting on them, lusting after them, groping them, tit-fucking them and even hurting them. Men have fun with our tits and we just get all the disadvantages - the awkwardness, the leering, the criticism, the handling and the pain.

So in a way our tits are a metaphor of femaleness/femininity; they were given to us for Men's pleasure and we have to just accept the burden they impose on us in order to give Men pleasure.

Like everything in life even the design of our bodies was meant to give Men pleasure.